Constance Aiyana Resort, Zanzibar
Ecologically built with locally sourced materials like limestone, aggregates, coconut brooms; Aiyana is in total harmony with Mother Nature. Inspired by the beautiful African architecture; Constance Aiyana hotel is mystically soul-stirring with high ceilings, pastel colours, fragrant gardens and water feature. Bird-watchers, nature lovers, daring divers and adventure seekers, come discover the fragrant Pemba Island where you can indulge in a memorable sensory holiday at Constance Aiyana. Pemba is accessible from Dar es Salaam; a thirty-minute light aircraft flight from Zanzibar and can be part of a multi-destination safari trip or a stand-alone exotic holiday
There is much more to the Indian Ocean than just paradise-like beaches and exuberant landscapes. Under the water, there is a whole new universe tucked away that is as exotic and exciting as the one on land. Put on your fins and explore some of the best dive sites in the world! You’ll find UNESCO-protected marine parks, chains of endless reefs covered in coral, and shipwrecks that have become a Mecca for underwater photographers.

Its varied terrain guarantees a unique experience for divers of all levels. The adventure begins just a few metres below sea level, in calm water with forests of anemones and gorgonians inhabited by brightly coloured tropical fish, and goes down all the way to 40 metres below the open ocean, on the migration route for both whale sharks and humpback whales. Book one of the diving packages and find your own paradise under the sea.